Epic Boons
Signature Abilities
Signature Spells
Signature Spells
War God's Blessing. When a creature within 30 ft. of the follower makes an attack roll, the follower can grant that creature a +10 bonus to the roll.
In the wake of Dahai’s defeat, Owynn helps the Lords' Alliance wrest control of the Sword Coast from the undead. As the war winds down and recovery begins, he searches for Carmen, catching up, sharing stories and giving her pirate garbs and a tricorn hat appropriated from a mindflayer.
With no imminent threat, he spends time travelling with Mei to find her mum and learning the land. He revisits Phandalin to see the devastation and leaves a small shrine at the site of their old manor.
Settling in, he begins to research liches in earnest, aiming to hunt down Acererak, his threat hanging in the back of Owynn’s mind. He spends his time helping Melkon in the shop, joining Tilli in taverns, occasional skirmishes with Carmen, dinner with Mei's family, and refocusing his Ki through meditation.
After a number of years, he begins a plot to save Ciel’s soul from the Raven Queen: perhaps he can trade her soul for Acererak’s...