Epic Boons


Signature Abilities


Magic Resistance. The follower has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Superior Invisibility. As a bonus action, the follower turns invisible until its concentration ends.
After the war, Vraggi banks on whatever goodwill the Orcish horde have built up with the peoples of Yiros and Skogur to face Einarr and the Yirosian Council across the negotiating table and broker a truce. She campaigns for Orukheim’s sovereignty as an independent nation to be recognised, and in return, makes reparations in coin and orc-power by rebuilding any villages that were razed during Morgush’s reign.
Vraggi becomes High Queen of Orukheim, but gives the chiefs of the various nations back much of their independence and power - provided they keep to the peace accords, maintain friendly relations with other races, and acknowledge her rule. She knows that her people cannot avoid the call of Gruumsh in their blood; so, she turns her gaze down, to the duergar and drow slavers and the mind-flayer enclaves. She leads the most warlike tribes in a crusade, reclaiming Friday’s circle’s former home and freeing any slaves and prisoners she finds. She offers the prisoners and any underdark defectors citizenship of Orukheim, provided they abide by her laws, and escorts any former slaves that decline back to their homes. As the horde pushes further into the underdark, freeing up territory, Vraggi offers Friday her hand in marriage, and thus, shared dominion over both Orukheim and the freed underdark.
As Luthic’s voice on the material plane, Vraggi is a mother figure to her horde. She encourages the tribes of Orukheim to mingle more freely with the other races of Arborea. Those tribes that wish to keep the old hunter-gatherer ways may do so, but she encourages the young to venture out and learn from the world beyond. She keeps a close eye on all young orcs that do so, especially those she sponsors to join the Doomguides, train in politics under Einarr, or study at the University of Yiros or the Bard’s College. She keeps an especially close eye on any offspring that result from Igno’s time with the orcs, and takes them under her wing as her wards and heirs.
Finally, she establishes an embassy in Yiros, and negotiates fiercely for a particular plot of land - the site of the former Adventurer’s Guild, now the Orukheim Embassy and YOLO (young orc’s luthican association), where all orcs have free membership. She keeps on the current staff, and even gives the training master a raise - after all, he’s going to be cleaning up a LOT of smashed training dummies from now on.