Signature Abilities

Signature Spells


At Vraggi’s invitation, Friday split from the Platinum Company, and joined her in Orukheim as her right hand in maintaining the harsh nation as partners. Here she trained both young and old orcs in the ways of combat and survival in the dark, along with her druidic magicks.
With this training and knowledge, and the help of her partner, the duo’s army set upon the Underdark. Here Friday finally took her revenge on the Drow Slavers and Houses, for both her lost druid circle and to satisfy her dark goddess’ thirst. She was not content to stay for long and instead would travel between Orukheim, the Underdark, and the small hut in Yiros made for two.
As the ages past, tavern legends and stories of the frightening Spore Witch would be cyclical, saying she drank the blood of virgins, started the Plague of 1778, and made stew out of little boys and girls who didn’t go to sleep. Only one of those was ever true.